Available at several of our locations, we at CLB The Community Bank provide a secure, yet convenient place to documents and other items such as deeds, will, family heirlooms, contracts, etc.; while these items may be difficult, or impossible, to replace, you can rest at ease as your items are kept safe from theft, fire, or flood inside each of our vaults.
While the sizes of the boxes vary by location, annual rental fees are based on the box size of your choice. They are available during normal business hours and only the box owner or the persons they designate will have access; we also have a secure, enclosed room provided for your privacy.
Walk in or call your local branch to inquire what sizes are available for your location.
Safe Deposit Box Annual Pricing
3x5 | $25.00 |
5x5 | $30.00 |
4.5x8 | $35.00 |
3x10 | $35.00 |
5x10 | $45.00 |
10x10 | $80.00 |
Lost Key | $100.00 |
Drill Safe Deposit Box | $200.00 |
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