An alternative to Online Statements is to request E-statements to be delivered through, a secure website. We make it easy to review your financial transactions online when it’s convenient for you.
Available Immediately
Why wait for your statement to come in the mail when it can be available to you within 48 hours of the end of the statement cycle and at no charge.
Email Notifications
Once you sign up for E-statements, you will receive an email each month when your statement is available to view. Then you simply login to your online banking account to retrieve it. It’s that easy!
Looks exactly like your Paper Statement
E-statements look exactly like your paper statement would; they include all the same check balancing information and check images.
Statement History
E-statements are stored securely for 18 months from the date they are posted for convenient future reference.
Save your Statement
Rather store your statements permanently? You have the option of downloading your E-statements as a PDF and storing them on your computer for future access.
Sign Up for E-statements today
To access, download, and print E-statements, you will need to have access to Online Banking. You must also have Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded through E-statements.
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